Industry Resources

Industry Resources

We have a range of tools and tourism industry resources to assist tourism operators and tourism businesses promote their services and events. 

Our industry resources will help you promote your business and understand the ways you can work with, and get support from, the tourism and events team. 

Get access to quality images for your marketing, supplies of brochures and maps for your customers, free listings on premier tourism websites, insights with research and data, and regular industry updates in our newsletters.

Quality images for your business

Tourism industry resources media hub
Eurobodalla Coast Tourism Media Library

Whether you’re a journalist, a meeting planner, a content creator, or a tourism operator, we want you to use the very best photos of Eurobodalla to help attract visitors to our region. 

Our cloud-based library is powered by Crowdriff and includes images and video provided completely free to approved users (conditions apply). Getting images is easy – set up your profile in the media hub, choose your images and then submit for approval.

Brochures & information for your customers

Tourism industry resources visitor information logo
Visitor information network

Would you like your business listed on our Visitor Information Outlet digital map

If you would like more foot traffic to your business and be a touch point for delivering visitor information and face-to-face advice then contact us to arrange a visit. To schedule an appointment please email Ashlee Smart.

Activity Brochures

We have created a series of branded activity brochures, maps and other visitor information for your guests.  Contact us to find out what printed materials are available for your business and how to be included on the distribution list. Our new regional map is also available in print or PDF.

Free Promotion for business and events

Tourism industry resources travel itineraries
Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW)

Showcase your tourism business and events on and Destination NSW’s consumer websites FREE of charge and tap into over 1.5 million potential customers a month, both domestic and international.

We will automatically display your ATDW business and event listings at no charge. ATDW listed businesses and events can also be included in additional relevant intineraries on our Explore Eurobodalla platform.

What’s On Eurobodalla

Our What’s On website harvests event listings for Eurobodalla from the ATDW and most major ticketing websites.  You can also post your events to the website,  subject to approval.

Industry Report cards

Tourism industry resources report card
Monthly reports on key industry data

Eurobodalla Shire Council utilises a range of different data tools to capture how the tourism industry is performing.

If you would like to discuss this data and how Eurobodalla Tourism records this, please contact us to organise a time to take you through the data or discuss it over the phone.

If there are any additional metrics you would like recorded please contact the tourism team and we will see what we can do.

Quick help guides

Download or view these simple help guides to quickly find out how you can engage with us, use our digital platforms and get free promotion for your tourism business or event.

Stay in touch

Tourism Industry resources Eurobodalla Tourism Newsletter
Subscribe for regular updates

Our industry newsletter is distributed monthly and will include articles relevant to the tourism industry.

Keep up to date with the latest industry developments, statistics and data, marketing campaigns and opportunities, training,  webinars and more.

Tourism priorities and actions are guided by the Eurobodalla Destination Action Plan. Visit the Eurobodalla Shire Council website for Eurobodalla Coast Tourism team contacts, data, research, strategies and other council information.